Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Spicy Chicken masala

Ingredients : Bell peppers, onion, Kastoori methi,
Oil, chicken, Turmeric, Curd, Tomato, Ginger, Garlic, Cinnamon, Cloves, Cardomon, Jeera, Star Anise, Pepper, Garam Masala, Corriander, Lime, Salt, Red chilly

How to make it : Take a pan add water, turmeric, salt, yogurt, mix it and add chicken, cook it till chicken is tender, once it comes to boil, boil it for 5 minutes and simmer the flame.

Cardamon, Clove, Cinnamon, star anise, jeera and crush it. Add ginger garlic crush them too. Add pepper powder, corriander powder and crush it well.

Heat the pan add crushed masala, butter and oil. Add red chilly, kastoori methi, cubes of onion, bell perpper, garam masala, salt and saute them. Add tomato and the boiled chicken and toss them. Cook in low flame for few minutes and add corriander and lemon juice and toss it.


Sambhar for Idly & Vada

1 cup Dal
1 big tomato
1 onion
Sambhar powder
Sasve(Mustard seed)
Curry leaf

How to make it: 
Boil the dal along with the tomato and the onion in the cooker for say 2 whistle.

In a pan heat some ghee in low flame and put 1 spoon Jeerige, 2 spoon of pepper. Warm it little bit. Too much of heating will make the sambhar dark brown in color.

Grind the above mixture along with 1 spoon of sambhar powder and little tamarind.

If needed, once the dal is cooled squeeze or grind it to liquid. Heat 2 tsp of oil, put mustard seeds, curry leaf and wait till it starts splashing. Now add the cooked dal. Put the grinded masala and stir. Add salt as per taste. Boil it for say 10 minute in medium flame. In the end add jaggery as per your choice.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Baby spinach salad

I never knew we could eat raw spinach till I saw some blog which said its good for dieting. Having tried it, we are now wanting to eat it more often. My son did like it too... though he doesn't need to diet :)

Baby spinach
Dry grapes

How to make it:
Chop all the ingredients and toss it up with pepper powder, salt and lemon. We add apple sometimes. I am sure most of the fruits and vegetable should go with it easily. More of it is baby spinach.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Udina vada

When we move to a different country that's when we miss our food the most and we try cooking all our typical south Indian food which you could get so easily at the restaurant back in india.

One of our latest try at our kitchen was udina(urad dal) vada. Dint know it was this simple.

Udina Bele(Urad Dal) quantity as per your need
Green Chili - 3, whole pepper - 6, Small pieces of Coconut, very little onion, Salt, oil

How to make it : 

  • Soak the Udina Bele in water for 6 hours. Drain the water and wait until it Udina bele looks dry.
  • Grind it to make a fine paste. Don't use any water. Try to grind it as thick as possible
  • Finely chop the Green chilies and onion. Add it to the batter along with chopped or grated coconut, pepper and salt(as per your taste)
  • If grinder is used skip this step.Mix or i can say beat the batter for a while to get the softness when the vada is deep fried. We only mixed it 1st and tried frying, it came out little hard. Vah re Vah helped us understand why our vada was little hard.
  • Heat the oil. Put some water or oil to your hands. Watch the video below so see how to drop the batter into the oil and get the exact shape of how vada looks.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

French Toast :)

Some say French toast but we knew it for a long time as Bombay Toast.This is one of my son's favorite. Pretty easy and tasty.

1/2 litre or 2 cup of milk
2 eggs
Sugar(as per your taste)
1/2 spoon Pepper powder
1/2 spoon Cardamon powder

How to make it :
Beat the egg till you see the bubbles. Add milk(not warm), sugar,pepper,cardamon powder to the beaten egg. Stir till the sugar is dissolved. 
Soak the bread with this liquid for say 2 minutes as shown in the picture. Make sure its not soaked too much where the bread gets dissolved but at the same time the bread should extract the liquid. Heat the pan and have the flame to low.    

Apply some oil and place the bread on the pan. Cook it in a low flame on both the sides as it will turn brown pretty fast. Do apply ghee if needed while cooking on the corner to make it more tasty.Once you see it cooked, remove and serve.

This is always made along with our bread omelette breakfast :)

Adding Cinnamon powder to this will also make it more tasty is what i have heard. I have not tried this yet. Will be doing it soon......

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Yummy Yummy Pizza..

Chicken Pizza

Blogging is new to me so was making pizza from scratch. I was nervous till i finished doing it. This is definitely one of those food which kids will never say No :). I personally like to serve this to kids as there is lots of cheese in it. My son doesn't like to drink milk and hence i make sure there are other forms of milk that gets into his tummy.

So here goes the recipe with little tweak and also the link from which i was inspired doing this.
Pizza Dough:
1 pack dry yeast
1 and 1/2 cup all purpose flour(Maida)
1 spoon sugar
1 spoon salt
2 spoon of oil
Tomato Ketchup
Sriracha hot chilli Sauce(recommended)
Garlic powder
Onion powder
Little Salt and Sugar
Onion,Capsicum,Chicken tikka pieces

How to make it:
Mix all the pizza dough ingredients to make a soft dough, not too soft nor too hard.
Leave it aside for more than an hour while the dough doubles its size because of yeast.

For the sauce mix the ingredients as per your taste. I used 1 spoon of garlic powder and 1/2 spoon of onion powder. Garlic powder gives the actual smell of pizza. 

After few hours roll the dough just like the way we make chapati. If you need the pizza to be soft, then the dough should be rolled little thick. If you need it crispy then the dough should be rolled very thin. Take a fork and pierce like shown in the picture.

Apply oil or butter to the silver foil and transfer the rolled dough to it.Place the silver foil in the tray which is used to keep in the oven. Preheat the oven to 400F baking. Apply the sauce as per your need and top it up with mozzarella grated cheese as much as u want.The more the merrier!!! Above the cheese place all the toppings(Paneer, Tomato, Pineapple for veggies) as per your choice and bake it for nearly 15 mins. Please keep checking it while its baking in the oven. Once you see the cheese melted and the corner of the pizza turned little brown remove from the oven and serve.

I followed most of the procedure as per the below link: