Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Yummy Yummy Pizza..

Chicken Pizza

Blogging is new to me so was making pizza from scratch. I was nervous till i finished doing it. This is definitely one of those food which kids will never say No :). I personally like to serve this to kids as there is lots of cheese in it. My son doesn't like to drink milk and hence i make sure there are other forms of milk that gets into his tummy.

So here goes the recipe with little tweak and also the link from which i was inspired doing this.
Pizza Dough:
1 pack dry yeast
1 and 1/2 cup all purpose flour(Maida)
1 spoon sugar
1 spoon salt
2 spoon of oil
Tomato Ketchup
Sriracha hot chilli Sauce(recommended)
Garlic powder
Onion powder
Little Salt and Sugar
Onion,Capsicum,Chicken tikka pieces

How to make it:
Mix all the pizza dough ingredients to make a soft dough, not too soft nor too hard.
Leave it aside for more than an hour while the dough doubles its size because of yeast.

For the sauce mix the ingredients as per your taste. I used 1 spoon of garlic powder and 1/2 spoon of onion powder. Garlic powder gives the actual smell of pizza. 

After few hours roll the dough just like the way we make chapati. If you need the pizza to be soft, then the dough should be rolled little thick. If you need it crispy then the dough should be rolled very thin. Take a fork and pierce like shown in the picture.

Apply oil or butter to the silver foil and transfer the rolled dough to it.Place the silver foil in the tray which is used to keep in the oven. Preheat the oven to 400F baking. Apply the sauce as per your need and top it up with mozzarella grated cheese as much as u want.The more the merrier!!! Above the cheese place all the toppings(Paneer, Tomato, Pineapple for veggies) as per your choice and bake it for nearly 15 mins. Please keep checking it while its baking in the oven. Once you see the cheese melted and the corner of the pizza turned little brown remove from the oven and serve.

I followed most of the procedure as per the below link:

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