Thursday, April 10, 2014

French Toast :)

Some say French toast but we knew it for a long time as Bombay Toast.This is one of my son's favorite. Pretty easy and tasty.

1/2 litre or 2 cup of milk
2 eggs
Sugar(as per your taste)
1/2 spoon Pepper powder
1/2 spoon Cardamon powder

How to make it :
Beat the egg till you see the bubbles. Add milk(not warm), sugar,pepper,cardamon powder to the beaten egg. Stir till the sugar is dissolved. 
Soak the bread with this liquid for say 2 minutes as shown in the picture. Make sure its not soaked too much where the bread gets dissolved but at the same time the bread should extract the liquid. Heat the pan and have the flame to low.    

Apply some oil and place the bread on the pan. Cook it in a low flame on both the sides as it will turn brown pretty fast. Do apply ghee if needed while cooking on the corner to make it more tasty.Once you see it cooked, remove and serve.

This is always made along with our bread omelette breakfast :)

Adding Cinnamon powder to this will also make it more tasty is what i have heard. I have not tried this yet. Will be doing it soon......

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